Oral Surgery

All outpatient dental surgical procedures are performed in our office. Therefore, our practice is equipped with our own procedure room for operations. Furthermore, we have a three-dimensional digital X-ray machine DVT (Digital Volume Tomography), which enables us to precisely identify complicated structures and specific positions.

Root end surgery (apicoectomy)

Through apicoectomy the inflammation at the root tip that has been treated with root fillings is eliminated, oftentimes the only possibility to preserve such a tooth. During this operation, we remove atraumatic and minimally invasive inflamed parts of the root tip and the surrounding inflamed tissue. Then the root canal is sealed tightly from below with special cement not consistent to bacteria.

First, the gum is opened carefully under local anesthesia to expose the jawbone of to the treated tooth root. Then a small window is created in the bone by which the inflamed tooth root can be achieved. Now the root tip can be removed carefully. Surrounding diseased tissue is also removed sensibly to allow complete healing. After through cleansing and disinfection the root canal is closed bacteria-proof with a special cement. Finally, the wound is closed carefully, so that the jaw bone and gums can heal completely.

Wisdom tooth removal

Wisdom teeth are the third molars in the jaw and come-in as the last row of teeth. Historical reasons for their development were that the human jaw got smaller. So the wisdom teeth frequently do not have enough room und remain stuck in the jawbone (retention) or break partly through (part retention). This and other factors can lead to complications and require the removal of the wisdom teeth. In our practice, the operation (outpatient) is completed as gently as possible with local anesthesia. Taking sedative drugs prior to surgery is possible upon request.


Exposing impacted teeth

Impacted teeth are teeth which cannot erupt in the oral cavity for several reasons. A lack of space is one of the most reasons, additional teeth, trauma etc. are other factors. Basically, the treatment of impacted teeth can be done in two ways: by surgical exposure and orthodontic alignment in the right position or by surgical removal. Both procedures are performed gently under local anesthesia.

Periodontal Surgery

A severe periodontal disease often requires a microsurgical treatment procedure. This will be necessary when severe inflammation caused by bacteria and plaque will end in extreme pocket depth between the gums and the root surface. This microsurgical procedure opens up the gums in a minimal and precise way. The diseased tissue will be removed, the root surface cleaned and disinfected. Intra surgically the bone can be regenerated or augmented by special replacement material around the teeth (GTR Guided Tissue Regeneration).

Soft Tissue Surgery

The soft tissue or connective tissue transplantation is a surgical method to cover exposed root surfaces with new gums. Here, a small, very thin piece of tissue (mucosa) is taken from the palate or other regions of the oral cavity. With tiny sutures it is connected to the surrounding tissue. After a few weeks the new gum is healed and fully integrated in surrounding tissue.